A class for retrieving relevant documents based on a given query. It extends the VectorStoreRetriever class and uses a BaseLanguageModel to generate a hypothetical answer to the query, which is then used to retrieve relevant documents.

const retriever = new HydeRetriever({
vectorStore: new MemoryVectorStore(new OpenAIEmbeddings()),
llm: new ChatOpenAI(),
k: 1,
await vectorStore.addDocuments(
"My name is John.",
"My name is Bob.",
"My favourite food is pizza.",
"My favourite food is pasta.",
].map((pageContent) => new Document({ pageContent })),
const results = await retriever.getRelevantDocuments(
"What is my favourite food?",

Type Parameters

Hierarchy (view full)





llm: BaseLanguageModelInterface
promptTemplate?: any